Δευτέρα 31 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Free Tennis Racket

~If you are from Italy - Log in, go HERE, complete the quiz and click Enter Competition button.
~ If you're not from Italy- Follow the steps below:
1. Go to this Italian proxy http://proxy-it.stardoll-blog.de/
2. Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or simply hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Complete the quiz
6. Click Enter Competition button
7. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The racket should be in a Starplaza box in your suite. :)


Free OTTO 2-in-1 Top

~If you are from Portugal- Log in, go HERE, fill in the two boxes and click Enter Competition button.
~If you're not from Portugal- Follow the steps below:
1. Go to a Portugal proxy like
proxy.cstools.net OR (thanks to Paulo!)
2. Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Navegar or simply hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Fill in the two boxes with anything
6. Click Enter Competition button
7. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The top should be in an OTTO box in your suite. :)

Free Yoga Mat, Apple and Snack

-If you are from Finnland enter the contest by clicking HERE
-If you are from anywhere else follow these steps:
1.You will need to use a manual proxy like:
IP: Port:8080
IP: Port:80
If you don't know how to set a manual proxy click HERE
2.Paste this link into the url bar to go to the contest's page:
3.Log in to your stardoll account
4.Pick a photo and enter the contest.
5.That's it. Turn off the manual proxy and go to stardoll as usuall. There will be a starplaza bag in your suite :)

Σάββατο 29 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Free RBB Mirror and Cupcake

Free RBB Mirror and Cupcake
-If you are from UK - Join a club by clicking HERE and then Click on the cupcake HERE
-If you don't live in UK, Follow these steps 
1)Go to UK proxy site like -
guardmy.info/ OR 2m4u.com/ OR port80proxy.com OR slygeek.com/ uhuf.com/ OR militaryprox.info/
2)Copy and Paste clubs link in the blank box in proxy site:
3)Hit Enter or Click on Go/Browse button
4)Log in stardoll, Wait a little till page loads
You will have the mirror
5)For cupcake, Go to Scenery page
6)Click on the cupcake, you will be redirected to club page
7)Leave proxy, Go to stardoll as usual 
Items should be in a RBB bag in your suite [:

.... I guess daily there will be a new free item to be found [:
So tomorrow let's look-out for the bag [:


Free SS Only LUXE Lipstick

►Free Free SS Only LUXE Lipstick
If you are from Brazil, Send a pic on contest HERE
If you are from anywhere else, follow these steps:
1)Go to this website (brazilian stardoll version)
1)Log in, Scroll down
2)Click on any of your pictures and Click Send it to competition button
3)Wait till page loads with Your contest entry has.. text
4)Go to normal stardoll mode, stardoll.com
Lipstick should be in a Starplaza bag in your Beauty Parlor [:

Free I♥Greece Tee and Pendant

~If you are from Greece- Log in, go HERE, complete the quiz and click Enter Competition button.
~ If you're not from Greece - Follow the steps below:
1. Go to this Greek web proxy
2. Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysitewww.stardoll.com/en/contest/view.php?id=1674
3. Click Go or simply hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Complete the quiz
6. Click Enter Competition button
7. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
You should find the tee in your suite near your wardrobe. The pendant should be in a Starplaza box in your suite. :]
Available till 11.11


Free Clutch

~If you are from Denmark- Log in, go HERE, complete the quiz and click Enter Competition button.
~ If you're not from Denmark - Follow the steps below:
 1. Go to Denmark web proxy like
proxy-dk.stardoll-blog.de.com OR webefree.nl OR phproxy.be OR gamers-nor.com
2. Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysitewww.stardoll.com/en/contest/view.php?id=1790
3. Click Surf/Go or simply hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Complete the quiz
6. Click Enter Competition button
7. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The clutch should be in a Starplaza box in your suite. :]
Free Horse

~If you are from Austria - you should already have it in your suite.
~ If you're not from Austria- Follow the steps below:
1. Go to an Austria proxy like
alt.webproxy.at/ OR webproxy.at/ OR  proxy-at.stardoll-blog.de
2. Paste Stardoll link into the blank box of the proxysitehttp://www.stardoll.com/
3. Click Enter/Go or simply hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Wait till the Stardoll page loads
6. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
You should find a horse in your suite near the wardrobe.

Πέμπτη 27 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Free Glasses

~If you are from Italy - Log in, go HERE, fill the two boxes with necessary information and click Enter Competition button.
~ If you're not from Italy- Follow the steps below:
Go to this Italian proxy http://proxy-it.stardoll-blog.de/
Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysite

Click Go or simply hit Enter on keyboard
Log into Stardoll
Fill the two empty boxes with anything
Click Enter Competition button
You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The Glasses should be in a Starplaza bag in your Beauty Parlor. :)

Free lamp

-If you are from Italy enter the contest by clicking HERE
 If you are from Greece enter the contest by clicking HERE
-If you are from anywhere else follow these steps:
1.Go to an Italian proxy like:http://proxy-it.stardoll-blog.de/
2.Paste this link in the blank box:

3.Log in your stardoll account
4.Answer the questions and enter the contest.
5.That's it. Go to stardoll as usuall. There will be a starplaza box in your suite :D

-If you are from Austria or Germany go to the contest by clicking HERE
-If you are from anywhere else follow these steps:
1.Go to a German proxy like:http://www.4proxy.de/,http://www.german-proxy.de/
2.Paste in the blank box this link:
3.Click Browse/Go or just hit enter in your keyboard
4.Log in to your stardoll account
5.Answer the questions to enter the contest.
6.That's it.Go to stardoll as usuall.There will be a starplaza bag in your suite :).

Τρίτη 25 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Free Atom Gift Necklace

~If you are from UK - Log in and click HERE. You will be redirected Atom Books page.
~If you're not from UK - Follow these steps:
1. Go to a UK proxy like:
2m4u.com/ OR unblocker.biz/ OR militaryprox.info/ OR uhuf.com 
2. Paste Stardoll link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now paste the link below into the URL/Adress bar of the proxysite
6. Click Go or hit Enter on keyboard
7. You will be redirected to Atom Books page
8. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The necklace should be in an Atom box in you suite. :)

Free Catwoman Mask

made it on white bg so it's easier to see it
►Free Catwoman Mask
2)Choose one of your photos and Click on it
[in case you don't have any - Go to suite and Take a picture of anything and go back]
3)Click Send to competition button
Wait till you see - Your contest entry has been submitted text
Mask should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite [: 


Free Red Leaves

~If you are from Finland- Log in, go HERE, fill the two boxes with necessary information and click Enter Competition button.
~If you are from Italy - Log in, go
HERE, fill the two boxes with necessary information and click Enter Competition button.
~ If you're not from Finland or Italy- Follow the steps below:
1. Go to this Italian proxy
2. Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysitewww.stardoll.com/en/contest/view.php?id=1753
3. Click Go or simply hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Fill the two empty boxes with anything
6. Click Enter Competition button
7. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The leaves should be in a big Starplaza box in your suite. :)

Κυριακή 23 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Free SS Only Graffiti Heart Decoration

Free Sims 3 Pets TV, Cap and upcoming items

Free A.N.T. Farm Lockers

~If you are from UK - Log in, go HERE. You don't need to watch the full video to get the item.
~If you're not from UK - Follow these steps:
Go to a UK proxy like:
OR unblocker.biz/ OR militaryprox.info/ OR uhuf.com 
Paste the Stardoll Cinema link into the blank box of the proxysite

Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
Log into Stardoll
Wait till page loads
You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The lockers should be in a Starplaza box in you suite. :)

Free Black Fairy Wings

~If you are from Poland - Log in, go HERE, fill the two boxes with necessary information and click Enter Competition button.
~If you are from Turkey- Log in, go HERE, fill the two boxes with necessary information and click Enter Competition button. 
~If you are from Netherlands- Log in, go HERE, fill the two boxes with necessary information and click Enter Competition button.
~If you are a Superstar from Greece -  Log in, go HERE, pick a photo and enter the contest.
~ If you're not from Poland, Netherlands, Greece or Turkey - Follow the steps below:

Go to the link below

Log into Stardoll
Fill the two empty boxes with anything
Click Enter Competition button
You can now leave the site and go to normal Stardoll.


Go to Polish web proxy like
OR ukryj.info/ OR proxyhideout.com/ OR proxy-pl.stardoll-blog.de/
Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysite

Click Go/Idz/Surf or simply hit Enter on keyboard
Log into Stardoll
Fill the two empty boxes with anything
Click Enter Competition button
You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.

The wings should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite. :)

Free Kiwi Nail Art

-If you live in France log in and enter the contest by clicking  HERE
-If you don't live in France follow these steps:
1)You need to use a manual proxy like:
  IP: Port:80
  IP: Port:80
  IP: Port:8080
If you don't know how to use manual proxies click HERE
2)Log In to stardoll
3)Paste the contest link :
4)Make a scenery with at least one item
5)Save it
6)That's it. Go to stardoll as usual. There will be a starplaza bag in youe Beauty Parlor :
~If you are from Netherlands - Log in, go HERE, fill the two boxes with necessary information and click Enter Competition button.
~ If you're not from Netherlands - Follow the steps below:
1. Go to Dutch web proxy like
2. Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Surf/Go or simply hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Fill the two empty boxes with anything
6. Click Enter Competition button
7. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The bag should be in a Starplaza box in your suite. :)

Free Necklace

~If you are from Greece - Log in, go HERE and fill in the two boxes with necessary information, then click Enter Competition button.
~ If you're not from Greece - Follow the steps below:
1. Go to this Greek proxy proxy.tsl.gr
2. Paste the contest link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Fill the two empty boxes with anything
6. Click Enter Competition button
7. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The necklace should be in a bag in your Beauty Parlor. :)

Free Natura Faces Table, Dress and Bag

~If you are from Brazil - Log in, go HERE and join the Natura Faces club.
~If you are from anywhere else - Follow these steps:
1. Go to the link bellow (it's the Brazilian version of Stardoll)
2. Log into Stardoll
3. Join the Natura Faces club.
4. You can now leave the site and go to usual Stardoll
You should find these 3 items in three Natura Faces bags in you suite. :)

P.S. You haven't done THIS before, you should also find a Pink Lipstick in a Nature Faces bag in your Beauty Parlor.

Free Weetabix Bear

~If you are from UK - Log in, go HERE and watch the full video.
~If you're not from UK - Follow these steps:
1. Go to this UK proxy http://2m4u.com
2. Paste the Stardoll Cinema link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or just hit Enter on your keyboard
4. Log into Stardoll
5. Now watch the full video
6. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual
The bear should be in a Weetabix bag in you suite. :)

Free Silver Tiara

►Free Silver Tiara
If you are from Brazil, Send a pic on contest HERE
If you are from anywhere else -
1)Go to this website (brazilian stardoll version)
1)Log in
2)Click on any of your pictures and Click Send it to competition button
3)Wait till page loads with Your contest entry has.. text
4)Go to normal stardoll mode, stardoll.com
Tiaras should be in a Starplaza bag in your Beauty Parlor  [:

Δευτέρα 17 Οκτωβρίου 2011

►Free Leaves
So far it works like this -
1)Log in and Go HERE
2)Write anything in Subject and Text fields
3)Click Enter competition button
Leaves should be in a starplaza bag in your suite [:
-If link doesn't lead to a contest, Follow these steps

1)Go to German proxy like:
4proxy.de/ OR rxproxy.com/ OR kproxy.com OR proxy-de.stardoll-blog.de/
2)Paste contest link in the white blank box on the proxy
3)Click Go OR Hit Enter
4)Log in stardoll 
5)Write anything in Subject and Text fields and Click Enter Competition button
When the page loads with text Your contest entry has been submitted -
6)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Leaves should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite [:
Available till 31.10  Thanks to BIS

Free Crystal Purse

►Free Crystal Purse
-If you live in Russia, Enter contest HERE by writing anything in Subject and Text fields and clicking Enter competition button
-If you don't live in Russia, Follow these steps:
1)Go to Russian proxy like:
anonymouse.ru/cgi-bin/nph-proxy2.cgi/ OR webproxy.ru/ OR dostyp.ru/
2)Paste contest link in the blank white box on the proxy
3)Click Begin/Go OR Hit Enter
4)Log in stardoll 
5)Write anything in Subject and Text fields and Click Enter Competition button
When the page loads with text Your contest entry has been submitted -
6)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Purse should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite [:

Παρασκευή 14 Οκτωβρίου 2011

Free Atom Gift Pearl Necklace

►Free Atom Gift Pearl Necklace
If you live in UK - Log in and Click HERE
You will be redirected to Twitter page, Leave it
-If you don't live in UK Follow these steps:
1)Go to UK proxy like
guardmy.info/ OR docoja.com/blue/ OR port80proxy.com OR slygeek.com
2)Paste stardoll link into the blank box of the proxy site
3)Click Go OR just Hit Enter
4)Log in stardoll
5)Now in the proxies URL/Address Paste campaign link
6)You will be redirected to a Twitter page, it's ok
7)Leave the proxy, Go back to stardoll.com
Necklace should be in an Atom bag in your suite [:

Thanks to USD

PS. It's sad to see that 2m4u.com proxy no longer works due fact that mass (thousands) of stardollians used it at once. Not the first time when by this a good proxy crashes and we lost it. The ones who actually wanted the free item, not the ones who just get it because it's free.
Now I am trying to find any other proxy that has flash on, so we could get bloody vampire bite marks from this: 

for usual proxies it seem to work, so I am now checking and looking for others... 


Free Avril Lavigne Star Necklace

►Free Avril Lavigne Star Necklace
-If you live in Sweden, Log in and Enter competition
-If you don't live in there, Follow these steps -
1)Go to Swedish web proxy like 
proxysmart.info OR proxyget.info/ OR surfaanonymt.se

2)In the blank box of proxy site Paste contest link:
3)Click GO OR  Hit Enter on keyboard
4)Log in stardoll
5)Write anything in Subject and Text fields and Click Enter Competition button
6)Wait till loads with text 'Your contest entry has been submitted
7)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual

Necklace should be in a Avril (Black star) bag in your suite [:

Available till 26.10
Thanks to BIS

Free Kids Day Dress

►Free Kids Day Dress
If you are from Brazil, Send a pic on contest HERE
If you are from anywhere else, follow these steps:
to this website (brazilian stardoll version)

1)Log in,
Scroll down
on any of your pictures and Click Send it to competition button
till page loads with Your contest entry has.. text
to normal stardoll mode, stardoll.com
Dress should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite [:

Available till 24.10
Thanks to BIS for finding this Brazil stardoll


Free NEW Monte Carlo Upcoming items

►Free NEW Monte Carlo Upcoming items

-If you are from USA -
Join a club by clicking HERE
-If you don't live in USA, Follow these steps 
1)Go to USA proxy site like -
2)Copy and Paste clubs link in the blank box in proxy site:
3)Hit Enter or Click on Go/Browse button
Click Enter later, Take me to the club for the Monte Carlo spree pop-up
4)Log in stardoll, Wait till club page loads again
Click Enter later, Take me to the club for the Monte Carlo spree pop-up
5)Leave proxy, Go to stardoll.com
Bag should be in a Monte Carlobag in your suite [:

The rest of items will arrive, when there will be more members to hit the next goal